Redempt1on Reviews

Redempt1on Reviews

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An avid comic book reader, cinephile and filmmaker, I had the pleasure of reading “Redemp1on” Volumes 1 and 2 and loved them. It’s clear that a great deal of thought and passion have gone into these comics. Volume 1, which is entirely in a muted black and grey color scheme with the exception of a few moments (in particular the ending), really hooks you with the dark narrative. The artwork, which feels a little pastel like and is somewhat surreal, further brings you into the story. Something else I really liked about the comics is that the reader is kept guessing as to what happens next, which really adds to the suspense. The stylized use of the color red at the end of the first volume does a good job of properly introducing the lead character. The second volume, which is in full color, is interesting to read as it also goes a little into the lead character’s internal monologue. The fight at the end of the second edition is exciting too. I look forward to seeing how the story continues. 

--Andrew de Burgh, Writer-Director of "The Bestowal" feature film and Creator of "The Twisted Doll" TV Series


I can’t believe how legit this comic is!! I’ve met ASJ a few times, and the most recent time in Denver, I was able to get a copy of this comic AND hear the backstory behind the the cover I selected. First, the comic is awesome! You can feel the reality in the writing and art. ASJ’s time in in combat is clear in the writing of the story. There’s also the feeling that is being deployed and the uncertainty of what IS going on when you’re not home. I appreciate the reality of the story and how it pulls you in. To know that I got the cover that has an actual picture of ASJ’s parents makes me appreciate my decision that much more. I CAN’T WAIT for the second episode of this comic…I KNOW it won’t disappoint!!! Sorry for the delayed review…life kinda got in the way.




I do not want to wait for more.I think this Issue is the start of a long and glorious Comic Book Series that will continue to amaze us, inspire us, and surprise us all. Meanwhile, it will leave us in the midst of our curiosity and imagination. Where will Austin take us next? I do not know where I will find the patience to wait for the next Issue. REDempt1on is a must read/must have, and not just for Power Ranger Fans, but for anyone looking to be taken on an awesome adventure down the creative mind of Austin St. John and the many others who have put their hard work and dedication to bring this masterpiece to life. Go ahead, get hooked! If you DaRE!

--The Rebel Bee by Nena's Treasures a.k.a. CKrazy



Just got my order delivered. I absolutely love the cover art, storyline, and concept. I’m really excited to see what is next for this comic series.

--Selina Colgin



I wanted to give him my reactions to his book Red Redemption: it was a very engaging first issue, and I really liked it. It was very cinematic, imaginative and a page turner.

--Larry Houston, Director of the 90s X-Men series



I read the comic that I bought at Denver con. I loved it, I really hope you do more:)




Just picked up the first two issues from Austin St. John at the Texoma comicon. Absolutely amazing, from the art all the way to the story! I can already tell that this story is going to be off the charts and a huge hit!! As a fan of the Power Rangers growing up, this story brought out some nostalgia and I can’t wait for the next issues to drop!!!! It was awesome getting to meet Austin and he was great to talk to and answer a couple of questions I had. 

--Taylor Olive

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